5 Books You Must Read If You're Serious About Success

uccessful people read successful people listen and successful people never stop learning if you're not learning growing and evolving who you were yesterday who you will be tomorrow is going to be no better if you're not growing you are falling behind if you want to grow you must start injecting your mind with new information always looking for a new spark something to lights of fiber inside you here are five books that will help you rise to a new level in your life in every area financially spiritually and physically 

Number one 

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill a true goldmine for your mind filled with golden nuggets this book could change your life in any given chapter just try and find a highly successful person who has not read this book I doubt such a person exists Think and Grow Rich is the book said to have created more millionaires than any other book in history you will learn the secrets used by the ultra wealthy and successful secrets and principles which when apply work just the same today you will learn practical steps on how to transform your dreams into reality and how to apply all the traits of successful people to your life if you have not read it yet and you are serious about success make this your first purchase

Number two

Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins:

unlimited power by Tony Robbins written 

by possibly the greatest success coach of all time Tony Robbins unlimited power will guide you into discovering what you really want for your life it will teach you all things human psychology including how to reprogram your mind in minutes and eliminate any fears of phobias you may have Tony will also teach you how you can duplicate the success of other people through proven practices it's a must read if you are truly serious but becoming successful and understanding how the human mind works . 

Number three

How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

how to win friends
and influence people by Dale Carnegie if 

you want to enhance your relationships with others personally and in business if you want to understand how to genuinely create and maintain positive relationships and respect with anyone if you want to understand how to communicate with anyone to get that job to land that deal to create a winner's circle this book is for you it's no wonder this book has sold 15 million copies the practical advice given by Dale Carnegie will transform your life 

Number four 

The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

the 4-hour workweek by Tim Ferriss if you want to be more productive spend less time working and make more money in the process this one is for you eliminates everything from your life that takes your time for little reward and create more time for living you might not be able or wants to work on four hours a week but that you can work less and earn more this will be a very smart investment and finally 

Number five 

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

the seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey learn how successful and effective people operate dive deeper into the seven Habits Covey says effective people share number one being proactive number two beginning with the end in mind number three putting first things first  number four  thinking win-win number five seeking  first to understand then to be  understood  number six synergize and number seven sharpening the saw by reading books like these and many others of the same caliber you are expanding your mind into a new level a level that successful people live in you will soon be thinking like successful people think acting like they act believing like they believe all in your own way and in no time you will be achieving and living your own version